Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Props

Oh little boys dont belong in tutus! I suppose this is one for the baby book! I got 2 tutus in a lightscoop trade. This one seemed a little snug. Luke was more than happy to try it on for mommy... He even knows how to rock a pose in a tutu. Daddy wasn’t all that pleased...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My baby turned 1

Holy moly. My first baby is 1. It has been and entire year that I have been a mother. It's amazing. It has been my biggest accomplishment to date. 1 year ago i held this tiny 5lb 6oz new baby boy in my arms and began a totally new life for myself. My family became my biggest priority. I had my own family and suddenly nothing else could compare. Nothing could even come close to it. Its something you will never know until you experience it for yourself. Thats right... 1 year ago he was a tiny little squirmy, uncoordinated, sleepy, quiet, fragile little boy... and now....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolution

In the spirit of new year's resolutions, I've decided to create a blog in hopes of getting myself out there more. In the past year I have developed a love, passion, and (dare i say it) talent for photography. My family has always been more on the creative side but until this past year... I have always thought I got the crap end of the stick on that one. I cant draw, paint, or sculpt. But for goodness sake I can click!

And click I shall! Santa upgraded my DSLR camera and I hope this year can be a year of new beginnings for us. Im ready to capture all the new memories 2011 has for me... and hopefully for some of you!